Dexter  Soy

Wanna know a cool story? Mr. Budjette Tan of TRESE Fame, tweeted one of Dexter’s art one day and Marvel’s Steve Wacker saw it and decided to give Dexter such an important project that would change his career. It was the Kelly Sue DeConnick run of Captain Marvel where Carol Danvers becomes that titular character. You’ll be able to see Dexter’s name at the end credits of Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel too! 


Dexter went on to work on other books for Marvel working like Superior Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Force, and X-MEN. It was in DC wherein Dexter found a home after his run with Marvel. He may be best known for RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS and BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS. His dynamic art style is so beautifully done in the sequential form!


Dexter Soy Original Art For Sale at Next Comic Art


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